Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunrise To Sunset

Everyone understands the beauty of a sunrise and a sunset. Consciously viewing them is a special experience, elevating the Day/Night rhythm to profound poetry.

In recent months at the funeral home, we have been using those terms in memorial printed material.

SUNRISE-- the beginning of life.
SUNSET-- the conclusion of life.

Grieving families respond well to the balm in those terms. 

Sunrise gentles the pain and chaos of birth--and certainly leads away from the database that so much of life pivots on (date of birth.)

Sunset, again, gentles the pain and chaos of death--and leads us away from tubes and beeping monitor and silence (date of death.)

The length and scope of the deceased's life shimmers between those shores; the crossing from east to west becomes a journey to reflect upon and celebrate.

Consider using this concept as a frame for your condolence note. It will be memorable.

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