Saturday, April 26, 2014

Creative Condolence: Poems

Some people just have a gift for lyrical sympathy!  Perhaps you have been to a funeral with a recitation of the poem:

The Dash

The poet, Linda Ellis, wrote this inspiring poem in 1996. Her copyrighted work may be recited at gatherings--and has been, all over the world, millions of times, but may not be reproduced or posted.  

If you are not yet familiar with the poem--or just want to enjoy it again, please click on the link, above.  The poem refers to the universal practice of noting a lifespan as:


What has taken place across the years between those dates?  There lies the fruit or fallow field of a life. Ms. Ellis encourages all:

Have you written a poem or essay for a loved one? Perhaps you wrote it long ago and wish to share it again, as a condolence note. 
  • Along with the written piece, describe what inspired you. 
  • Did you give the poem to your friend or family member?
  • How was it received?
When news of a death reaches you, consider riding the wave of emotions with a pen and pad (or iPad or paintbrush!)  Tap into your heart's energy and reflect on the life of this dear person. 

Yours will be a memorable condolence note!

Read more posts about Creative Condolence:
Poems, Part 2
Making a Card
Life in 15 Songs
Eat This Legacy

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